Monday, October 22, 2012

Comments about my kids

I thought maybe I should also record some of the comments I hear about my kids. I was just thinking how lucky I am to have 4 little blessings in my life. The comment I hear most is, "You sure have your hands full!", or some variation thereof. So much that my kids think that is what you say when you greet someone. Sometimes, it will only happen once during an outing, other times, I finally just start counting how many times I have heard it that day :). Another comment, our rather a question, that I hear is, so are you going to try for a boy? In case you are wondering, the answer is no, we are very happy with out 4 little girls, and feel that our family is complete. The other day,a lady asked me, "Are they twins?" "Yes," I replied. "But their eyes are different colors!" As if that makes them automatically not twins? :) Some of the other things I have heard are that it is a good thing that one sucks her thumb, and the other takes a pacifier. That way, I can tell them apart. These comments may seem logical to anyone who doesn't know my babies, but they are actually very easy to tell apart, - they don't have very many features in common. Just a few thoughts about my kids - they are the light of my life, andI am so thankful for them!

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